"A Comparison of Victor Frankenstein, Robert Walton and the Scientists of Today." Kibin, 2023, www.kibin.com/essay-examples/a-comparison-of-victor-frankenstein-robert-walton-and-the-scientists-of-today-JXb8SM6O
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essays on victor frankenstein
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In this essay, you'll see Risini has offered annotations throughout her essay to show you her thinking. If you find this helpful, then you might want to check out our Extinction: A Killer Text Guide where we cover 5 A+ sample essays (written by a 50 study scorer!) with EVERY essay annotated and broken down on HOW and WHY these essays achieved A+ so you reach your English goals! Let's get started.
At first glance, Extinction may just seem like a short story of a chaotic quartet, but there are so many hearty themes to unpack and discuss. After a few re-reads, you will discover some unique finds, and after a few essays, you will find overlaps and patterns in seemingly philosophical topics.
The blinding ambition makes him live a life of a recluse and creating a monster, one who eventually destroys all the people he loved. It is his rejection of corrections about his flaw that gives the monster the power of revenging on him and another walking being. The imperfection goes further to enable the responder to understand and make a relation to him thus leading to the creation of a tragic hero. It can thus be argued that Shelley allows Victor to gain the tragic character by first giving him the power of acquiring knowledge and awareness of the accompanying reasons that justify his situation. The drawn is also evidenced in the Aristotelian definition of a tragic hero. His realization is equally imaged with an immediate effect through the retrospective narrative form, a framework that allows the older and wiser Frankenstein to realize his errors and mistakes (Fleming, n.p). We can equally argue that the tragic flaws of victor begin from the laboratory after making the irrational decision of creating life. Many literary scholars argues the step as an achievement which he ought to have shared with the people and most importantly the family members; many individuals are amazed when he considered the least of the decision. The achievement is later repulsed to an ugly form (Wright, n.p).
It is these flaws that play an important role in impacting the protagonist lives in Mary Shelley's text. The flaws make us realize how guilty, depressed and despondent victor feels. Even at the point of depression, he prefers to keep to himself with the truth. He at one point contemplates about committing suicide by drowning himself in a lake but is prevented by the thought of Elizabeth. He feels that his death would bring misery and pain to Elizabeth, an aspect which may also inform about his state of empathy in our analysis (Small, n.p). It is my opinion that Victor's inability of speaking about the monster could have been influenced by the fact that he had much pride and believed that no one would believe his capability of committing such an act. In consideration of the irrational decision which he made while making the creature, he makes a decision which he feels is best for humanity (Arthur, 61-82). At this point, it may argue that his flaws gave him a sense of existence and what he needed to do in saving humanity. He decided to hatch a plan with the creature at Mont Blanc where the situation would be rectified. The plan is on leaving with the monster to the Jungle where it will not pursue any human.
In summary, Mary Shelley's victor exists as a tragic hero whose flaws impacts the life he eventually lives. He started as a person who was thirsty for knowledge and wisdom and acquired a high stature which are the basic characters of heroes. His heroism got affected by his disregard for morality and the subsequent rejection of his creature which later led to his downfall. The author used his case in making a commentary about the society to realize the importance of morality to stand. It further stated how at times the society could be quick in offering judgments to people based on their superficial standard, a situation which may lead to consequential outcomes as noted in the analysis.
In the cybernetic community, the moment (projected in the near future) when AGI matches then surpasses the intelligence of humanity is known as the singularity. It marks one fleeting point in time when humans will be equal in intelligence to AGI, then upholds it as unique in its world-historical significance. AGI will press on, unstoppable, to reign as the victor over its human artificers. The singularity is a Silicon Valley revival of Hegelian end-of-history, outfitted in grey T-shirts and hoodies. It predicts the eclipse of human intelligence by the machines who learned from the best of it.
A possible interpretation of the name "Victor" is derived from Paradise Lost by John Milton, a great influence on Shelley (a quotation from Paradise Lost is on the opening page of Frankenstein and Shelley writes that the monster reads it in the novel).[50][51] Milton frequently refers to God as "the victor" in Paradise Lost, and Victor's creation of life in the novel is compared to God's creation of life in Paradise Lost. In addition, Shelley's portrayal of the monster owes much to the character of Satan in Paradise Lost; and, the monster says in the story, after reading the epic poem, that he empathizes with Satan's role.
As a Pythagorean, or believer in An Essay on Abstinence from Animal Food, as a Moral Duty by Joseph Ritson,[58] Mary Shelley saw Prometheus not as a hero but rather as something of a devil, and blamed him for bringing fire to humanity and thereby seducing the human race to the vice of eating meat.[59] Percy wrote several essays on what became known as vegetarianism including A Vindication of Natural Diet.[58] 2ff7e9595c